What’s New

Habitat Jordan Plants Colorful Flowers Celebrating World Environment Day

Habitat Jordan Creates a Playing Area for Children with Disabilities at Hittin Center

Habitat Jordan Takes Us Volunteers for a Trip inside Jordan

Students in Dhahran have raised 5,350 USD to support HFH Jordan

On World Water Day, Habitat Jordan Supports Digging Wells to Harvest Rainwater

SAMS Delivered a Safeguarding Training to Habitat Jordan Team

Habitat Jordan’s Actions to Keep Well-being Societies

The Local Morning TV Show of Jordan Hosts HFH Jordan in Salt Governorate

When Christmas Trees Light Everywhere, Everyone Becomes Happy.

Towards a Friendly and an Accessible World

HFH Jordan Conducts Focus Group Discussions to Determine the Most Important Needs of Its Beneficiaries

Habitat for Humanity Area Office Visits Jordan to Learn about HFH Jordan’s Projects and Their Role in Supporting Vulnerable Communities

On World Habitat Day, Habitat for Humanity Jordan Arranges for a Voluntary Day and Chooses to Go Green

Bunches of Love to People Everywhere on World Mental Health Day 2021


Join the effort to address the affordable housing crisis in East Africa and meet our ShelterTech alumni!

A Grateful Message to a Great Woman from Habitat for Humanity Jordan

Facts about the Refuge Situation and Refugees in Jordan

World Refugee Day

What is Energy Poverty? How It Can Be Measured?

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Housing Microfinance Impact Assessment: Improving Quality of Life

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